Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Super Easy Crockpot Potato Soup Recipe

Hello ya'll! Welcome to my latest recipe post! As we all know, fall is 
in full swing! The wind is getting nippy, the leaves are falling and its that 
time of yeah where we will spend most of our times indoors, trying to keep 
warm. Being a mom of 2 on the go toddlers, crock pot recipes are by far my 
favorite because they take the least amount of time to do and they feed the 
family for a day or two (great for lunch the next day). This is a recipe for 
Potato soup, I swear it tastes just like Bob Evans!

1 30oz. bag of frozen diced hash browns
1 32 oz box of chicken broth
1 can of cream of chicken soup (10 oz)
1 pkg. cream cheese (8 oz, not fat free)
3 oz bacon bits 
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
salt and pepper to taste 


Put the potatoes and crock pot. Add in the chicken broth, cream of chicken soup and half the bacon bits. Don't forget a pinch of salt and pepper. Cook on low for 7-8 hours or until the potatoes are tender. An hour before the soup is done, take you cream cheese and cut it into chunks. Add the cubes to the mix, stirring throughout the last hour of cooking time to ensure it gets good and blended in. Once the cheese melts, its ready to serve! Dish this delicious dish out, and top it with cheddar cheese, bacon bits and even chives if you have a taste for them. 

Krysti Marie

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